In the past, monitoring and maintaining video surveillance systems were dull, time-consuming tasks for professionals managing retail spaces. Manual monitoring, especially when dealing with multiple camera systems, is hard and resource-intensive. That’s why AI-based video analytics modules are in high demand across all retail sectors.
These modules are backed by comprehensive and complex Artificial Intelligence algorithms that analyze long video streams pixel by pixel. They can be tailored to satisfy specific in-store requirements, be it security or quality control.
AI-based surveillance technologies are gaining popularity in various sectors. Currently, 75% of countries in the world employ AI-based surveillance technologies, mainly for security reasons. How can retail managers employ this technology and benefit from it? Well, like with any AI-powered technology, the possibilities are unlimited.
Implementing Retail Video Analytics
The latest AI-based video analytics modules use complex algorithms to automatically monitor and manage vast amounts of video data. Unlike other data processing modules, these modules conduct these analyses much faster. They can digitally monitor and manage incredible amounts of video data and metadata.
The modules analyze the video inputs and transform them into intelligible data that can help managers make decisions in real-time. In the retail industry, the demand for video analytics is huge.
Human operators alone can’t audit the large volumes of video footage that in-store surveillance cameras pick up. Here are some clever applications of AI-based video analytics modules inside retail environments –
Smart Camera Systems for Quality Inspection
Smart camera systems leverage “AI-accelerated” GPUs and CPUs to offer real-time detection capabilities. The AI-accelerated image sensors modules can be used for various quality inspection applications. For instance, these systems can conduct instant object detection.
They can analyze live video feeds and detect different objects in the hands of shoppers. The finest AI-based video analytics modules also come with “business intelligence” (BI) layers. These pre-programmed layers present all the actionable insights captured by the smart camera systems.
For instance, let’s say the camera system detects a banned object (e.g., weapons) in the hands of a customer. It will immediately send alerts to the human operators assigned to manage the system.
These systems also generate long-term data. For instance, every week, it will provide detailed reports on how many banned objects were carried by in-store customers. These systems can help retail store managers minimizes maintenance issues, improve communication between coworkers, and avoid accidents.
Quality Inspection Systems
Retail store managers can create customized quality inspection systems using AI-based video analytics modules. These “machine vision” tools can classify what they see and create self-improving automation workflows.
For example, it can detect products with damaged packaging on conveyor belts and send instant alerts. From semiconductor production to retail packaging to electronics manufacturing – quality inspection systems are useful in various sectors.
Equipment Monitoring
AI-powered video surveillance tools can be used to monitor sensitive equipment inside commercial spaces. These tools detect the presence of human operators inside restricted spaces that may contain sensitive equipment.
Overall, they improve the safety and productivity inside workspaces by accurately detecting risks and anomalies.
AI-based video analytics modules diminish the workloads of human operators and give retail managers incredible monitoring capabilities. Any retail business owner that invests in these AI-powered inspection software solutions will “future-proof” their business for many years.