We are sure that every guitarist has encountered such a nuisance as a string break. Unpleasant? Yes, what’s good about that. Expensive? Yes, you need to buy a new set. In addition, this little “catastrophe” can happen at any, the most inopportune moment. There are two ways out of this situation. The first is to always have a spare set on hand. The second is to take measures in advance to ensure that such a nuisance simply does not happen. Or at least it happened less often. The best online mixing service on EKmixmaster talks about precautions.
First, let’s deal with the reasons why the strings burst
We divide them (conditionally, of course) into two groups. One is related to the tool itself and its shortcomings. Another – with the technique of playing the guitar. This, it turns out, is also of great importance.
So, let’s proceed to the consideration of technical reasons. And the very first of them is an admitted marriage. Unfortunately, this happens in every industry. In this case, there is only one way out, buy a new kit or string. No options.
Such a factor as natural wear and tear also takes place. The metal does not withstand constant loads – friction, stretching, pollution (dirt, skin particles, grease). This means you need to clean your strings more often. In addition, do not pull them more than they are designed.
If you change the tuning of the guitar very often, from high to low and from low to high, the strings also wear out much faster. Therefore, the risk of getting a rush is very high.
The nut is usually made of plastic, and quite soft
But if it is in this place that a rush occurs, check, perhaps this element is made of metal on your tool. So, it is worth sanding the nut to make its edge more round.
Frets can protrude more than required, and the string frays against their hard edges or burrs. In this case, you should sharpen the frets and use graphite grease, which will reduce friction.
Sharp and poor-quality pegs also lead to the fact that the metal thread wears out ahead of time. Solutions to this problem: replacing the pegs, grinding them, or, in extreme cases, graphite grease.
Now about the playing techniques that harm the metal “nerves” of the instrument.
A technique such as the palm mute, where the musician mutes the sound with the right hand, can also lead to rush, especially when combined with a strong attack. The latter, by the way, is traumatic for the instrument in itself
Especially when the musician goes into a rage and cannot restrain his emotions
Many musicians bend the neck while playing. By this they, of course, achieve the effect of vibrato. But by doing so, the strings are additionally loaded, which does not affect their condition in the best way. And the tremolo technique itself, if used too often, eventually leads to a rush and replacement.
Harm the metal “nerves” of the instrument and strong bands (strings pull in the process), and picks, if they are too hard, and other factors. Of course, we will not advise you to abandon different methods of the game. Just in this case, keep an eye on the strings, change them to new ones before a responsible recording or performance, keep spare sets on hand.
We think that now, armed with knowledge, you will be able to use your tool more carefully and rationally so that it serves you for a long time and does not let you down at the most crucial moments.
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