Here’s why you need auto insurance. You are not alone. Almost all motorists need insurance. So chances are you’ll be dealing with an auto insurance broker at some point. What exactly are brokers and what do you need to know if you are dealing with them? You need this information if you want to be informed.
First of all, you need to understand how an auto insurance broker differs from an auto insurance agent. Brokers work for you, the insurance buyer. An agent, on the other hand, is owned by the company selling the insurance.
Both agents and brokers can offer insurance from different insurance companies and work on a commission basis. However, auto insurance brokers represent the interests of their clients, while agents represent the interests of their insurance companies.
Many people think that brokers charge higher commissions than agents or that it is more expensive to work with a broker than to buy insurance directly from an auto insurance company. This is not the case. The premiums are the same and brokers receive a commission on the premiums you purchase, so you don’t have to pay upfront.
However, don’t assume that you’ll get a better deal from a broker just because they have different offers. Not all brokers work with all insurance companies. Even if you receive a quote from a broker, it is important to compare offers.
Remember, brokers, are just one of the tools used to get auto insurance quotes. If you want to find the best auto insurance quotes, you still need to do some research yourself. This means working with a local auto insurance broker and comparing quotes online. Talk to apple insurance agency today.
About Author
Lily Poole is an Insurance Broker by profession. She is pretty well experienced in all kinds of insurance and accounting field. Further, she has an impressive profile in the training and development industry.