Oral health is much more important than just managing the health of the mouth, teeth, and gums. The mouth is the primary entryway of human beings. All the things such as food and oxygen enter our mouth and body. So maintaining your oral health must be your priority, as poor oral health can affect your entire body negatively. Cosmetic dentistry Poway provides solutions to your oral conditions such as Toothache, bleeding gums, and smelling bad breath, all indicators of poor oral health.
The mouth is a very easy entryway for the bacteria formed in the mouth to enter the bloodstream of humans. These bacteria weaken the blood cells and make humans sick by spreading infection and inflammation. So it is necessary to maintain good oral health and visit your dentist for regular check-ups to keep your body safe from serious diseases.
Bad oral health causes the following common and severe health problems:
1. Cardiovascular Disease:
Poor oral health increases the chances of heart disease. The periodontal disease is caused by bacteria; gums are inflamed in this disease. The same bacteria responsible for plaque build-up in the bloodstream arteries and harden it; it is known as atherosclerosis. It hinders blood flow to and from the heart and causes blockage. Low blood flow and heart blockage enhance the risk of a heart attack. Regular teeth cleanings and proper oral hygiene will reduce your risk of cardiovascular disease.
2. Dementia:
The brain functionality can be affected by poor oral health. Bacteria cause gums to be inflamed in the mouth. The inflamed gums spread a dangerous infection that can kill brain cells. It harms memory. This infection can lead to Dementia or Alzheimer’s, known as gingivitis. Gingivitis spreads through nerve channels to enter the bloodstream.
3. Respiratory Infections:
Poor oral health can harm the human respiratory system from proper functioning. Bacteria can reach the lungs through oxygen or the bloodstream. These bacteria emerge in infected teeth and swollen gums. These bacteria can cause various lung-related health problems such as respiratory infections, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, and acute bronchitis.
4. Pregnancy Complications:
The most important thing for a pregnant woman is to practice good oral health. The chances of oral infections are very high during pregnancy due to hormonal changes in the body. The risk of developing periodontitis and gingivitis infection increases pregnancy complications. These infections might cause premature birth and low birth weight in infants.
5. Diabetes:
Diabetic people are more prone to infections. Poor oral health makes gums infected, and it can cause periodontal disease. The typical symptom of gum disease is that it makes blood sugar levels higher. This disease makes the sugar level high as it makes it difficult to control diabetes. Poor oral health increases the risk of diabetes development in an average person. Pediatric dentist Poway can help in preventing this disease.
6. Cancer:
Bad practices such as smoking or using tobacco products are the main reasons for poor oral health. These products can cause oral and throat cancers. It can also raise the chance of kidney, pancreatic, and blood cancers.
7. Infertility:
Poor oral health can create problems with infertility in women. It makes it difficult for a woman to conceive and sustain a healthy pregnancy.